Sunday, April 9, 2017

(EWS) New York Times 1997 | "2,001 Degrees of Securit"y (published during the filming of Eyes Wide Shut) By SARAH LYALL AUG. 7, 1997

New York Times
2,001 Degrees of Security
(published during the filming of Eyes Wide Shut)

No one, it seems, wants to talk about Stanley Kubrick's forthcoming film, ''Eyes Wide Shut.'' Not Warner Brothers, which is producing it. Not Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, who are starring in it. And not the security guard at Pinewood Studios outside London, where ''Eyes Wide Shut'' finally wrapped on Tuesday. ''I've been instructed not to let you in,'' he said curtly to a reporter and a photographer the other day, flatly refusing to say anything about anything. (''My name is I'm a Security Officer.'')

Perhaps it's not the Manhattan Project, but ''Eyes Wide Shut,'' which began filming here in November, is wrapped in a level of security that would not be inappropriate for a top-secret scientific conclave. Mr. Kubrick's first movie since ''Full Metal Jacket'' was released 10 years ago, ''Eyes Wide Shut'' is known to be a psychosexual thriller starring Ms. Kidman and Mr. Cruise, who may or may not be playing a pair of married psychiatrists.

(While 10 years between films may seem to be a lifetime, nearly 20 years have passed since Terrence Malick, known first for ''Badlands,'' made ''Days of Heaven'' in 1978; he is now making ''Thin Red Line.'')

What else is known? It is known that Harvey Keitel was in the film (possibly playing a patient of Ms. Kidman and Mr. Cruise's) until he dropped out because of a commitment to play Elvis Presley in ''Graceland'' and that he was replaced by Sidney Pollack, forcing the reshooting of his scenes. It is known that Jennifer Jason Leigh is also in the film, possibly playing the wife of Mr. Pollack's (formerly Mr. Keitel's) character, who herself may or may not be playing another patient treated by the psychiatrists played by Ms. Kidman and Mr. Cruise.

''I know that it's a story of sexual obsession and jealousy,'' said someone connected with the film who insisted that her name not be used because, she said, she did not want to upset the extremely secretive Mr. Kubrick. ''But that's as much as I know. I don't know exactly what that means. I haven't read the script, and I don't know anyone who's read the script except the people actually making the movie. This all just increases my excitement at seeing the movie when it comes in, whenever that is.''

In other words, your guess is as good as anyone else's (although a young movie memorabilia salesman in Texas says he has a copy of the script and has threatened to publish it on the Internet). Meanwhile, reports in British newspapers, where entertainment reporters have been eagerly repeating even the wispiest snippet of information, have ranged from the alarming (Mr. Cruise has forbidden anyone on the set to look at him, even when he is just walking around); to the amusing (in one scene, Mr. Cruise wears a dress); to the topical (Ms. Kidman's character is addicted to heroin, and the movie is about how Mr. Cruise helps her overcome her addiction).

It is hard to know what, if anything, is true. ''I'm sure that every conceivable rumor has been printed in the British press, but none of them have got it yet,'' said the woman who did not want to upset Mr. Kubrick. Ms. Kidman and Mr. Cruise have been told not to discuss the script, the film or the director, and have reportedly been ordered not to remove the script from the set.
If there is one thing that is certain, it is that the notoriously reclusive and demanding Mr. Kubrick -- whose previous films include ''Dr. Strangelove,'' ''A Clockwork Orange,'' ''2001: A Space Odyssey'' and ''The Shining'' -- is spending an awfully long time making this film. ''The Shining'' took an estimated 200 days to shoot, according to production charts kept by Variety, the entertainment industry trade paper. Filming for ''Eyes Wide Shut'' began late last year (probably in November, but Warner Brothers would not say) and until Tuesday was still grinding on, with Mr. Kubrick reportedly requiring dozens of takes for some scenes. Up until the end, people working for Mr. Cruise and Ms. Kidman said they did not know the stars' schedules or when they would be free to go on to new projects.

All the secrecy has proved highly entertaining to the various film crews at Pinewood, where ''Tomorrow Never Dies,'' the new James Bond film, is in production, among other things. ''I know absolutely nothing about it,'' said a stagehand from the Bond film while slipping out to buy a pack of gum the other day. ''It's a Kubrick production, isn't it? I think he does this just to rouse interest that may not be there otherwise.''

The stagehand appeared to know about as much as the people at the Warner Brothers publicity office in London, who most definitely are not publicizing the film.

''There isn't anyone who's the right person to talk to,'' said a woman in the press office, who said her name was Geraldine. ''You should call Julian Senior.''

Mr. Senior, the senior vice president for European advertising and publicity, did not call back.

Correction: August 12, 1997, Tuesday An article on Thursday about the making of Stanley Kubrick's film ''Eyes Wide Shut'' included an erroneous reference from the producer, Warners Brothers, to the state of the project. The filming has not been completed; it continues at the Pinewood Studios near London.

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