Monday, April 6, 2020

The purpose of this blog is to have a central location for newspaper and magazine articles pertaining to the film director Stanley Kubrick. I do not own any rights for these articles. All attempts have been made to include the author, publication and date. If anyone would like me to remove anything they find here please contact me and I will do so promptly. Thank you.

Note most of these articles are difficult or sometimes impossible to find through normal search. This is meant as a service to anyone wishing to do research or just read for pleasure on this topic.

Each posting is proceeded by an acronym to denote the film discussed in the respective article (e.g. EWS = Eyes Wide Shut, TS = The Shining, etc.) "GEN" means general, which means that article is not about one film in particular.

p.s. I may let one slip by but I am trying not to duplicate the articles already posted on this excellent Kubrick page in the url below. Among other content, this site has quite a number of excellent articles already posted.

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